

What is an api? How do you use one? This is an introduction into the world of apis and you’ll be well prepared for the excellent presentations in the following two days. During this workshop you’ll be guided through hands on talking to apis, with modern tools. Explore access to data, and trigger actions through apis. No previous coding experience required.

You’ll become familiar with terms like; HTTP verbs, response headers, json/xml, versioning, and get to explore real live APIs hands on with modern tools. Bring your own computer, or sneak peak at your neighbour. No previous coding experience required. Make sure you’ve installed the app POSTman.

Welcome to level up your skills and vocabulary in an area that is already, and increasingly, relevant today!

This is a hands-on presentation & workshop. Bring your own computer. Sharing a computer (2-3 people) works just fine.

APIer? APIer!

Välkommen till en workshop om API:er (hos oss på myndighet/företag). Victoria ifrån 46elks introducerar API:er. Fokus ligger på att du lär dig grunderna i att förstå och använda API:er och hur ni kan nyttja API:er inom er verksamhet.

Vi börjar med en presentation om API:er.
Automation, bättre kundupplevelse, tidsbesparingar, effektiva flöden med leverantörer och helt nya möjligheter.

Sedan följer en workshop där du själv lär dig hur det fungerar i praktiken. Efter workshopen finns tid för att reflektera och resonera i sällskap med övriga deltagare kring hur API:er kan vara relevanta i er verksamhet.

Ha med dig egen dator.


Bygg din första hemsida - för nybörjare

Skapa upp första hemsidan!
Innehåll: Redigeringsprogram, html, css och publicering, eller wordpress.

Webbutveckling - lär dig mer!

För dig som lekt lite med html & css tidigare versionshantering (git), flexbox, sass, jekyll, publicering, vps.

Victoria Wagman

Victoria works as a developer at 46elks. Passionate about learning and sharing knowledge. Editor of choice is vim. What tools, processes and ways of thinking that are most likely to help define and explore problems, bring a common understanding of the challenges and then help with brainstorming and forming solutions, ye explores every day. Victoria runs on vegetable juice and do-it-now mentality. She has incorporated #gtd into every day life, and every day strives to, through actions, pay it forward. Mentor at pinkprogramming events.


Swedish company that offers SMS, MMS and voice calls through an API. Making telephony much more accessible to companies, where barriers to entry were previously in the thousands of dollars to get set up.


Simple summaries

API workshop example 1

You’ll become familiar with terms like; HTTP verbs, response headers, json/xml, and get to explore a real live API hands on with modern tools. No previous coding experience required. Welcome to level up your skills in an area that is already, and increasingly, relevant today! This is a hands-on presentation & workshop. Bring your own computer. Sharing a computer (2-3 people) works just fine.

Victoria Wagman
Victoria Wagman works as a developer with 46elks, a Swedish startup that offers SMS, MMS and voice calls through an API. Making telephony much more accessible to companies, where barriers to entry were previously in the thousands of dollars to get set up. Victoria runs on vegetable juice and has been working as a developer for the past 7 years. She’s passionate about learning, and is very happy to share any knowledge she’s developed along the way.

API workshop example 2

Explore access to open data through apis and learn how to use code to send and receive sms. You’ll become familiar with terms like; response headers, json/xml, versioning, and get to explore real live APIs hands on with modern tools. Bring your own computer, sharing a computer works fine as well! No previous coding experience required. Welcome to level up your skills in an area that is already, and increasingly relevant today!


Jag som skriver här heter Victoria.
Du kan läsa mer om mig på startsidan.