Hej! I hope you discovered and learned new things during the workshop! Resources: hackforsweden.se Klick "participate"/"delta" in the menu and then data. apikatalogen.se trafiklab.se https://github.com/46elks/46elks-getting-started/tree/master/code-examples - Code examples, you can communicate with apis in many different programming languages getpostman.com Terminology: URL - the address to the system you're talking to, just like addresses to a website. Example: website: https://www.46elks.com, address to the api: https://api.46elks.com basic auth Authenticating yourself when sending a request. Example: https://username:password@api.46elks.com/a1/SMS GET, POST, PUT, DELETE Indicates what type of a request you're making GET - ask for data. POST - enter new data PUT - update data DELETE - remove data If the api is a REST-ful api, you can expect it to work something like this: POST api.someservice.com/member - creates a new member. (You need to send in data of course (parameters)) -- The service will likely reply with an ID, for example "13". GET api.someservice.com/member/13 - asks for details about that member. GET api.someservice.com/member - will likely show you a list of all members PUT api.someservice.com/member/13 - send in data (parameters) to update member nr 13. DELETE api.someservice.com/member/13 - remove member 13 from database. Status codes Indicates how your request went. 200 - all is well! 404 - couldn't find it! For more examples: https://http.cat/ 40x - you're making a request in an unexpected way 50x - the system is not behaving as it should. GL HF with your projects! :] Regards, Victoria - 46elks